Prophets in the Quran: Adam
Eman Mahmoud
11 Feb 2018
Allah Almighty sent a great number of messengers to guide people to the right path and teach them about the one and only God. In the Quran, 25 prophets were mentioned reflecting the most important transitional phases in their life. Adam is not only the first prophet of Islam but he is also the first human created by Allah and he is considered to be the father of humanity. Allah said to his angels in the Quran, “Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority," [Al-Baqarah, 30].
Adam was created from clay as Allah says, “And We did certainly create man out of clay from an altered black mud.” [Al-Hijr, 26]. The Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] mentioned that Adam was created in the image of Allah, “Allah created Adam in His image,” [Bukhari, 246], which means that Adam was given some of Allah’s attributes like love and forgiveness.
Allah then taught Adam the names of everything, which were not known by the angels, and Allah asked the angels to prostrate before Adam. All of them obeyed except for Iblees (Satan), who was arrogant. This arrogance played a significant role as he had become the greatest enemy to Allah and to humankind.
Iblees devoted his efforts to keep people away from Allah. When Allah gave Adam paradise to live and enjoy with his mate Eve - who was created from his rib - but forbid them from eating the from a certain tree. Iblees deceived them with false promises of eternal life. He filled their heads with desires and convinced them to try eating from the tree; and so they committed the first sin that cost them life in paradise and had them descended to earth as a result. Allah says, “Go down, [all of you], as enemies to one another, and you will have upon the earth a place of settlement and provision for a time,” [Al-Baqarah, 36].
On Earth, Adam along with Eve settled a life and had at least four children. It is supposed that Adam lived around 960 years teaching his children about Allah and Iblees. He asked them to worship the only God and mentioned the prophets that were yet to be sent to guide humanity. The Quran mentioned Adam in many different verses to teach us about the life of this great prophet and the lessons he had learned throughout his journey from paradise to earth and back again to Allah.
Read more about Prophets in The Qur'an:
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